Tuesday, May 31

Sunday, May 29

Driving to nj from va

Because we are tight on space I got a ride with my man greg wolf and in the car was the girlfreind of dan timmerman... She is a nice girl and if you know dan you should encourage him to move to raleigh nc to be closer to her... Nc is the new cool spot for bike racers... But in winston salem they don't want any boulder people I hear...

Driving to nj from va

Because we are tight on space I got a ride with my man greg wolf and in the car was the girlfreind of dan timmerman... She is a nice girl and if you know dan you should encourage him to move to raleigh nc to be closer to her... Nc is the new cool spot for bike racers... But in winston salem they don't want any boulder people I hear...

Friday, May 27


Can just stop winning all the time... Its really boring for me... Ok?... Just stop...

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Thursday, May 26

I have the last stage of the tour of connecticut on the GPS... I need to upload that thing so you can see... Its good... And for those who have been checking out motionbased.com... You HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE KEYHOLE PLUG-IN.... seriously... Its the stuff man... Next level stuff...

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I rethink bike races all the time... I went twice when i should not have... There were teams there and i was alone... If i wouldnt have made 2 big efforts before mark went i could have followed him... But i didnt wait... I took the chance that i could do what he did... But i timed it wrong... I think i had the legs... I still made the group behind of 4... We almost made contact on the last lap but they gassed it in front one last time and it kept us from getting there...
One day i am going to win this race....

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To all the people that came out and cheered us all on... Especially braden and the noisy boys on the hill... That made a big difference for me... In any other town i wouldnt go so well on such a tough course... But i had some serious support... Thanks...

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i got 5th...It was a tough one... I still have it in my head watching mccormick riding across to the front 2 with menzies... I had already made some efforts and i couldnt respond... I thought that i had done everything right and that i could win and then it all went south... But i dug deep and thats all i could do... Better ride next time i hope... It sucks to lack that little bit...

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Tuesday, May 24

Also a nice espresso

Also at an euro italian pizza place in the north east...

Monday, May 23

We are out on a ride right now in CT and we camw across this...

Sunday, May 22

from ken...

I thought you might like this:


This is Casey Gibson...

NOT Graham Watson...

Last day ToC...

Today was real dang tough... Not a flat road in it... I had a 27 and i used it... it was 137 miles and wet and cold... And i think like 25 people finished...

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Saturday, May 21

Waterbury climbers cup

This race sucked and I got dropped thr first time it went hard... The gap opened and that was it... The pursuit boy club weren't so hot either... Allen and godfreed... I don't feel so bad when I am with these guy... it makes me think ts a flat lander thing... but then I remember that I don't rip 4:20 something pursuits like these guy...I have never finished this race...

Friday, May 20


Mud thick good ass euro espresso...

I got this from bill...

The difference between "guts" and "balls"
Guts - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?"
Balls - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and having the balls to say, "You're next."

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I got this from a freind...

Cyclists are the biggest sandbaggers and secret trainers around. They'll say anything to soften you up for the kill. Don't let this happen to you. Study this handy rider's phrasebook to find out what they really mean when they say:

"I'm out of shape"

Translation: I ride 400 miles a week and haven't missed a day since the Ford administration. I replace my 11-tooth cog more often than you wash your shorts. My body fat percentage is lower than your mortgage rate.

"I'm not into competition. I'm just riding to stay in shape"

Translation: I will attack until you collapse in the gutter, babbling and whimpering. I will win the line sprint if I have to force you into oncoming traffic. I will crest this hill first if I have to grab your seat post, and spray energy drink in your eyes.

"I'm on my beater bike"

Translation: I had this baby custom-made in Tuscany using titanium blessed by the Pope. I took it to a wind tunnel and it disappeared. It weighs less than a fart and costs more than a divorce. "It's not that hilly" Translation: This climb lasts longer than a presidential campaign. Be careful on the steep sections or you'll fall over -- backward. You have a 39x23 low gear? Here's the name of my knee surgeon.

"You're doing great, honey"

Translation: Yo, lard ass, I'd like to get home before midnight. This is what you get for spending the winter decorating and eating chocolate. I shoulda married that cute Cat 1 racer when I had the chance.

"This is a no-drop ride"

Translation: I'll need an article of your clothing for the search-and-rescue dogs.

"It's not that far"

Translation: Bring your passport ( Joe? )

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team target shooting

at ken's house in ct his back door opens to a 2 story drop since his house in on a slope and he hasnt built his back porch yet... we string a target out on the clothes line that goes from the back door out to a tall tree and shoot from the side porch with a BB gun.. good times...

where the hell did the bottom half of my website go?

i think it has something to do with the auto archiving.. since i carved up the template i think i messed up the link to the archives somehow.. i will have to fix this... ok...

Talking about one of my teammate's lack of success with women one guy says that sice he is 29 he has one year left to be successful with college girls... I was saying "no way... When you are 25-30 you're kinda nowhere... But when you hit 30 you can use that... Just be cool and mature and let the young girl talk and tell you about all the crap in her life and then when she asks you what you think you go 'man... I'm 30 years old' as if you dont have time for that juvenille crap and saying that you are 30 says that you have risen above it all and that life experience has made you bullet proof... Then there is the assumption that by being near you some of the secret to being cool and un-touchable will rub off on her"... I am telling you its sommething to cultivate.... Young guys create BS and drama but a real cool ass smooth confident guy just makes a lady's life easy... So if you are 30 and single just be cool and live where you are... Use what you got... Your rap has to change and be natural and mature... And honest... Thats a whole nother level of game that a younger dude just doesnt have...

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Have you seen this albers?

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

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Thursday, May 19

I am about tired of everybody talking about pimps

Its just too much... It was too much 5 years ago... Pimp isnt good... Why really you would want to liken yourself to a pimp is beyond me... have you seen american pimp or pimps up hos down?... Its funny for a second then that stuff is just down right sad... My favorite is mr white folks... He is pretty honest about being a pimp... Being a real street pimp is not that cool it doesnt seem like... Its a huge headache and a bunch of stress for not nearly enough money... That how it seems to me...

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Jason Allen

This is him... He doesn't have any nicknames...


We have a new rider... Its jason allen from NZ... his photo is in the photo section...
We are in CT now and the first race is tomorrow...

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Tuesday, May 17


can this be real?.. no, its not real... read it anyway... the things people will make up for a laugh...

more gps data...

me and JB rode to the race in san clemente last saturday.. down the coast.. and then raced.. and then rode back.. it was good fun...

Monday, May 16

raisin rides again!...

check it...

hyrdapak haters...

some of you have been hating on the hydrapak... please stop... i am very sensitive...

i looked at myself before the race last saturday and i realized that i am the guy that the young riders make fun of... i am not cool at all... i have a hydrapak and tall socks and and a GPS gadget... i need to shave and i am bald and my legs are hairy... all i need now is a visor for my helmet...

Saturday, May 14


I have a citi credit card and you get points... But you dont get many points and the points count for prizes that are sort of stupid and you have to have so many points that you may as well just buy the dang thing... This card isnt that good so i never use it... Why am i telling you this?... i saw the commercial for this card making it sound so great... And i thought instead "no way... That whole point business sux!".... Get a airline mileage card and take your lady somewhere for free...

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Friday, May 13


the sprintclub site is really good.. they did some changes.. and its a ton bigger now

drop out of "life"

forget all the crap.. move to 29 palms where its cheap and you can live.. clean air and sky... sell your house... are you 30-40 years old with a 30 year mortgage that costs you way too much per month?... i forgive you... its sounded like fun until you realized that you will have to work until you are at least 60... thats no fun... move to 29 palms... build a kill house for 100k... and own it outright... we can ride bikes and stuff... and you can get in touch with yourself and have quiet time to think...

Seigler Imports...

Seigler Imports has a new website... www.seigler-imports.com...
check it out.. they have also a sponsored athetes section where you can all the
people and teams that use CSK bikes...

new saul video!...

saul keeps in touch...

Thursday, May 12

my new best time...

in heavy weapon is 10:45... that's pretty good i think... clink here to play

Bill says...

No matter what they say, polititians dont care about the little guy... Because if they did there wouldnt be payday loan places...

and i am adding in also that there wouldnt be front loading mutual fund places either... Usually you find these offices a door down from the payday loan office...

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Barber shops

I just posted a few photos of barber shops in town... This is an ongoing photo essay... There are a LOT of barber shops in this town... And they all have the same sign in the same colors and they all have similar names... Like COMBAT or EXPRESS... So click on the photos link up top...

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Wednesday, May 11

today i motorpaced

i did three hours and then i went out with brian randolph who has a 50cc scooter.. and we ripped it in the hot ass heat today...

IM with Saul...

HellaSaul: comment ca va toi?
Eriksaun: ok
HellaSaul: jai ton video mais je n'ai pas a connection pour mon ordinator
Eriksaun: how do ou feel?
Eriksaun: ok then
HellaSaul: good, I can walk today
Eriksaun: get it to me soon
Eriksaun: can you run?
Eriksaun: are you home?
Eriksaun: how do you not have internet?
HellaSaul: I can walk slow, I am in italy at my firned place.
Eriksaun: ok
HellaSaul: I can not walk up the stairs to my aprartment.
Eriksaun: really?.. shit
Eriksaun: i am going to put this on my site
Eriksaun: how do you have freinds in italy?
Eriksaun: is it a girl freind?
Eriksaun: are you on your phone?.. how can you IM and you dont have internet?
HellaSaul: Not a girl firend.
Eriksaun: a boy freind?
HellaSaul: i cracked my pelvis, 2 ribs and collarbone... no...
HellaSaul: Hans taufen. he
HellaSaul: moved to italy,
Eriksaun: ok.. who is that?
Eriksaun: he is on your team?
HellaSaul: he races for the cyclingcenter and the u23 national team some.
Eriksaun: hmmm
Eriksaun: must be nice just move to italy
HellaSaul: he can at the begining of the year to visit and then desided to stay.
Eriksaun: so why dont you move to monaco?
HellaSaul: he has been real nice and helped me out. Amiericans cannotmove to monaco
Eriksaun: why not?
HellaSaul: cost shit loads of money
Eriksaun: they need poor people to wwash the dishes
HellaSaul: have to give up your passport or something too
HellaSaul: i dont know the rules.
HellaSaul: not easy

Eriksaun: you cant ride now anyway
Eriksaun: give up your passport?.. shit
Eriksaun: just to wash dishes?
HellaSaul: I dont know the rules, you have to put like over 200k in the bank
HellaSaul: i am going to be riding in a week
HellaSaul: on the trainer.

Eriksaun: save up your money then dude
HellaSaul: my collarbone does not hurt.
Eriksaun: at least get a numbered swiss account or something while you are there
Eriksaun: what does hurt
HellaSaul: my pelvis, hip and ribs,
HellaSaul: I could not get out of the bed for 3 days, and had to take a shit in a bucket thing
HellaSaul: get this
HellaSaul: they flew me from paris on a stretcher, to nice and form there to my town
HellaSaul: never lifted a foot

Eriksaun: big time
Eriksaun: and the insurance just pays it
HellaSaul: first class
HellaSaul: I get ss
HellaSaul: I pay frnech taxes.
HellaSaul: It pays offf, whytry and beat them?
HellaSaul: for the better good.

Eriksaun: i remember i got an ambulance ride and 14 stitches in the ER... it cost $214...
Eriksaun: france rocks
HellaSaul: It is cheap.
HellaSaul: The doctors suck

Eriksaun: then the next year i paid into SS and i didnt get hurt at all...
Eriksaun: ah... i dont know...
HellaSaul: the doctor in the north said my collarbone was not broken.
Eriksaun: really?
HellaSaul: she even wiggled it and it crack...
Eriksaun: shit
HellaSaul: thats a whole differnet story, she was going to send me home the next day...
HellaSaul: she said "you are not going to die"
Eriksaun: did she get the ribs and hip right?
HellaSaul: yea
Eriksaun: 2 out of 3...
HellaSaul: I could not even get out of the bed.
HellaSaul: ahh. the one nurse had the hots for me.

Eriksaun: was she cute at least?
HellaSaul: she was cure
HellaSaul: cute.
HellaSaul: I was on lots of pain killers tho
HellaSaul: i did not care
Eriksaun: and so did you get her number?
HellaSaul: haha
Eriksaun: that like being drunk man.. thats when you have your best game
HellaSaul: I signed some photos, and I got her number.
HellaSaul: gave her a hat.
Eriksaun: a cycling hat
HellaSaul: yes
Eriksaun: and then that was it.. you didnt make her dreams come true...
Eriksaun: typical
Eriksaun: you are so money man...
HellaSaul: haha
Eriksaun: forget about it
HellaSaul: Hey I have to go
HellaSaul: Ill talk later
Eriksaun: its going on the site
Eriksaun: the whole IM
HellaSaul: i have to be carefull what I tell you
HellaSaul: spell check it
Eriksaun: you just have to say NO
Eriksaun: no spell check
HellaSaul: I do not read wht i type
HellaSaul: ok

Eriksaun: me neither
Eriksaun: ok then.. later
HellaSaul: what ever. Later man. Ill send you a video
HellaSaul: sure
HellaSaul: later.

Eriksaun: ok then

Welcome to the neihborhood

I was riding home and i saw this trailer with a big piece of a modular house on it... There are a lot of these things going up around here... Some of them are just normal and some of them are super high dollar places..

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Tuesday, May 10

GPS view of my favorite ride

this is the loop through johua tree national park... you can go to motionbased.com to see all the data on this ride in cluding my HR and all atmospheric conditions!... wait till it gets windy out here and you see the rides i have to do in 20mph winds...

MotionBased Invitation
Map of short ride in the park
short ride in the park

bicycle radio is streaming live!

i do a call-in from time to time with bicycle radio, on ESPN in pheonix, az...

this week they are going LIVE streaming WORLD WIDE on the internet.. so you you no longer have to live in pheonix, or search through the archives a week later to hear this fun cool show about cycling...

all month they are going to need feedback from you all.. so please click over to their site, get the phone number to call, and call in while you are listening live to bicycle radio streaming on the web wednesday night from 7pm-to-8pm MST...

bicycle radio

by the way, this is a link to the show i was on last week....

i am telling you...

i should be the director of a womens team... if i could get a few decent women who have never been in a "big" team i swear we could be one of the top three teams in the US... there is so much talent out there with no direction... all they need is to have someone that can wrap things up and get everyone racing properly... now, yeah.. the best girls are hard to beat, but it can happen that a team of nobodies can rise up and be good... especially in the women... it seems so wide open... some team should hire me and pay me a lot of money...

Monday, May 9

saul has a website

yeah.. he does... here it is.. saul's website...

my man rony martias

today was 11th in the stage of the giro... good job son...

Sunday, May 8

what can i say...

blah blah blah...

I didn't eat much today...

And i drove in the car alot... I had no coffee and then i had a lot of coffee... Iam sure that this isnt healthy for my body... And i need to shave...

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More cats hill

At a point in the race it was clear that we were really under represented in the front of the race... With so many of us tired from VA or those crits it was not gonna be that easy... But i was feeling confident and zac was very motivated... It had been hard and obviously to me with only 30 minutes to race it was the time to make the race...
There had just been a regroupment and i looked around and made eye contact with zac... Its nice to be able to that ans know thats all it takes to be on the same page... I knew that he knew that i was going to drill it hard all the way into the hill and try to snap it so that he could make the resulting group... So thats how it happened.. But the problem was that i thought roman was also close but he wasnt..and with his level of fatigue he was needing to directly on the wheel to follow an attack... So then we ended up with the right guy in the wrong move with 2 sierras...

It was a lap later that i knew that we would need to make a chase group with no sierra so that one of the sierras in the break would have to commit to making the huge effort to keep us from coming up, thus lessening their numerical advantage... It was better to make that pressure on them than to allow them to have two guys that could win... It was a way that we could keep a foot in the door for zac... rather than have the door be closed by the numerical advantage...
So then, the decision that i had to make was weather or not to just go and make the effort to cross when we were close... I think i should have... But i would have paid a lot for it... And i would have HAD to win... But i wasnt feeling like it was right to ride over top of zac in his own race... So it was going to be good enough just to have mitchell make the sacrifice for jackson... He did, in order to keep me away.. And that left zac to deal with jackson on a more even field...
A bit of tactics for you... And why its not bad to chase your teammate...

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Berkely hills road race

Nice race on nice roads... Said hi to larkin... One lap and out... 4 hrs of sleep and a 7:30 start... Forget it

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Saturday, May 7

cats hill...

it was a pretty tough race...it has a big hill... and the hard part isn't the hill... its after the hill... J Stew won in front of zac who lives on the course...
I was drilling it to set up zack... he ended up in a move with jackass and mitchell and ben haldeman from webcor... it was not so good for us to ha e zac outnumbered like that so I attacked to cross... and bernard vanulden tagged along with a local guy...
it was good because it would force sierra to commit one guy to keep us at bay and this way they couldn't 1-2 zac...
we came to 5 seconds when mitchell dropped from the lead group... bernard was looking for an excuse to sit up and I didn't think it was good to continue... I would have brought 3 riders to zac and I would have been screwed when I got there... it was too much to do if we weren't all going to do it together... so I was content to let it go... I was hoping zac would be able to win his home town race... but he was happy with second... and I am happy that jackass won.. its his home race too


This is an e mail and its a lot easier to do than log into the site to post... I hope that this works this time...

finally I get here

at 1:30 am I get to my teammate zac walker's house... he lies at the top of the hill in the course of the race tomorrow... I tried to post this via e mail but it didn't work... so I am the blogger.com site on the phone... the little browser on this thing works well... I looked up where I was on mapquest because ithought I missed an exit... it pulled up the map and displayed it fine... and this little keyboard is easy to use... and its backlit... that's good because I am in bed now trying to wind down so that I can sleep

Friday, May 6




I am driving to san jose


I am bored so i am testing versamail on the phone...
There was a traffic jam on the 5... So i wont be to san jose till late...


I am bored so i am testing versamail on the phone...
There was a traffic jam on the 5... So i wont be to san jose till late...


i heard this on NPR this morning.. its about a particular style of church singing and its origins... its not long... and it is one of those little things that makes you think of all the other shared traditions that people have... all that mexican music with the tubas was influenced by german settlers who brought the low brass and accordions from thier oompa band... really its true...

haters abound...

cycling utah in the aprill 2005 issue said i came off as a complete idiot in PRO (refering to the "doors" bit)... hate on haters... i thought it would come off as being a slighlty comical way to relate a truth about cycling... other bike racers thought of it that way... but when you are a hater then you just hate on stuff...

i just remembered...

i will be in the new ROAD magazine.. we used a Garmin forerunner 301 GPS in the Sea Otter Road Race and tracked the data via motionbased.com... check it out...

and i remember in the road race one of the lead cars (a volvo SUV) passed us on the inside before a turn.. they didnt make the pass before a 110 degree left and they were in the pack... rather than be safe and back off they gassed it to dive us on the inside!... and when the pack was making the turn the truck almost ran over 5 guys and had to veer off into the ditch... with half the car in the ditch and the pack making the left, the driver STILL wouldnt back off!... he proceeded to dive bomb us in the ditch and make the turn!.. it was one of the worst things i have ever seen... when we got around the turn and the road opened up the car jammed past... and somebody threw a bottle a the car...

Thursday, May 5


yeah... you can see jackson's site jacksonstewart.com ... i think that there is also a rule on their team that you cant have a cool website either... when matt had that cool website he got fired!!!.. but now matt's site isnt the same as it was... i hope he makes money off it at least...

To: jackson

why is it that your team told you not to e mail me any more?... that is pretty dang lame... you e mailed after a long hiatus... i figured they told you not to talk to me either.. because you cant even say hi after all we have accomplished together.. and all the great times we have had together...

this is a copy of the e mail you sent me... you can be the first poster through this post here!...


I thought I would write to you before the launch of the new site so I could
be the first on it. Your site better be woth the wait man! And maybe you can
update more freaquently and talk more "Egotistical BS", cuz your site kinda
sucks at the moment.

Also, since I do check your site 5-6 times a day on my sidekick, do you
think you could make a pda version???

Also, what's with all this new shit your buying? What the hell are they
paying you on mcquires? Or did you embessle that money from previous teams?
All of a sudden your at Ikea everyday, checking out and purchasing new
automobiles, buying treo cell phones, making new websites? What the fuck?
What races have you been winning? Where's the income coming from? Did you
find gold in your "hole" in the back yard?? Have you been doing more KMART

These purchases better not becoming from all that prize money and
sponsorship items I never got over the last few years.

You should talk to PLOW about the SWIZA pain photo! So you can put it
up....that guy loves the pain man!! (actually I will send it to yah!)

Later (the all new mid-life crisis) Saunders


there are a lot of pages that need to be put over into the new look... so a lot of the time if you click on something it will take you to an old page.. but hey.. whatever... i gotta switch stuff over... but the movies are updated in the movies page... and uh... it should be all ready to go... if something doesnt work then e mail me... and just for grumpy kirk albers i have spell checked this post... i should do a kirk albers page...


the site is up.. it will be tomorrow or monday before i get the photos area going because of a snag creating my account with splashblog... some stuff might not work... but i can tell you that by monday it will all be 100%...

Wednesday, May 4

this is my new format.. its a blog...

you can all leave messages and comments for eachother and for me... i will have a photo blog also hosted by splashblog that i can post immediatlety to from my treo 650 smart phone... the site is going to be a lot more fun for everyone and a lot more interactive... thanks everyone for logging on...