Thursday, September 28


That $^#t is DOPE...

Floyd Cycles
"Juiced (tm)"

(It must really appeal to the WADA)

Sunday, September 24

i am checking to say that i am in vegas for the bike show...

And in the airport i saw keith sweat...

Monday, September 18

Thursday, September 14

saw this bad news

i knew JD well.. he was in teh first group of guys who came out to santa barbara from the east coast to train in the winter and make the big time in bike racing...

we were on the east coast regional team in 96 and out little group came out of that.. me and hamblen and JD... and jon nisbet and this guy named chad and ken vida and andy rhodes... with all those guys we had a great training group and we rode without fail everyday together all winter in california... i did my longest training ride ever with that group at a little over 8 hours... we did the national team program to a T no questions asked.. what idiots we were...

by not riding so much i am lessening the chance that i will leave my wife and sabine suddenly, thats for sure... it is heartbreaking to think of JD and his family for me... i dont normally care about stuff like this.. but its real close... and i have my little babe now...

so condolences to JDs family...

Wednesday, September 13

Erik vs. Paris

For the three of you who cruise this site but not, click on over and participate in the new Erik Saunders related poll:

Unfortunately there isn't a voting option for "By the looks of it, Erik's head just ate Paris Hilton."

-And dig the new article by the original Ryan Barrett. New jersey, same winner's pose.

Friday, September 1