Thursday, December 28

the end of an era...

i have no time to do this websoite thing anymore...

so in march when my subscription for the hosting is up the website will be over...

so until then i will go totally fucking crazy then go out in a blaze of glory...

the end of an era...

Thursday, December 21

Tuesday, December 12

my first inclination is always to give a big F-U...

and with respect to discovery team it stands that way still... i hope they are ostracised big time... it would make me laugh all year long... but i dont believe that the other teams will have enough balls to keep speaking strongly about it... it looks bad for the sport to have the best team sign up a guy who is in the middle of a thing.. for the moment he is ok... but its possible that he could get wrapped right back up in all this as soon as the spaniards are finished with their business... when the puerto case is over all the eveidence becomes a matter of public record things will get messy for some riders... its a big risk but i dont think that disocery team would take it if they werent 99 percent sure that nothing would come of it ever for basso... even if they were thinking that 80 percent something happens but their lawyers are good enough to spin it out and make it go away then thats bad for the sport though... will organizers exclude this team based on this ethical ideal that they have where "tainted" riders are concerened?.. i dont know... i bet everybody folds and life goes on... does the public care enough to think less of an event because basso is not in it?... no.. i dont think so... for sure people are sick to death of ulrich.. but basso not so much after the first part of 07.. which is good... it will cool down for him and landis... but for 07 i dont see people giving a shit to see them race... but they can be ok in 08... people just need some time to forget... but i can say that if basso wins a bunch of races people will not be so excited by it... but then if he keeps winning then it will flip over for him and then people will just like him again because he is a winner after all... even though the public in general will find sports more and more dishonest across the board...

Saturday, December 9

i two times dropped my new range hood while i was installing it and dented the shit out of it...

now its a reminder of how stupid i am... and how unimportant home appliances are... photo soon...

i am dissapointed with the quality of dry cleaners in this town...

every shirt i get back is all jacked up in the sleeves... they never take care to do the pleats right and there is a crease always clear up the sleeve... they dont know how the hell to press a shirt...

once you have a dry cleaner that doesnt fuck up your sleeves when they press your shirt you will be so happy... until you have to get a shirt back that you have to iron after you already paid to have it pressed...

Thursday, December 7

i rejected my first myspace friend request that wasnt porn related or gay swinging related

a certain sunscreen company wanted to be my friend but i had to put the stop on it because their myspace was for marketing purposes only... bitch you cant be my friend for free!.. romance with no finance aint nothin but a new-sance... you got to pay to play... shit.. tryin to be mny friend for free?... fuck you... pay me... you wanna sell sunscreen on my back?.. fuck you.. pay me...

i am friends with bike companies though on myspace... but their myspaces are more personal and not blatantly for marketing with logos and product photos everywhere... like ground up for instance...

Tuesday, December 5

i am about tired of all the boo hoo reporting on people with no flood insurance...

if i have to hear one more time about how evil insurance companies are i will puke... they arent any more evil than cnn...

if you live below sea level surrounded by water... or in a coastal area known for harsh winds and swells just do yourself a favor and get flood insurance.. its cheap... go to the city or county records where you live and look at the flood map... if your house is in a flood area just go ahead and spend the money and get insurance... and make sure that your policy for damages of any kind is up to date and adequate to rebuild taking into account current costs...

i had flood insrance in the desert and it seemed silly but i can tell you that it was neccessary...

in the three years i lived there this happened once that it was this severe near my house... the road is 50 feet wide and was filled with 3 feet of water running this fast... the water came up to the foundation of the house eventually but never got the last half inch up above the slab... it lasted an hour like this...

Friday, November 24

how rich was jesus?

i stumbled accross this in my never ending quest to understand jesus...

this goes to the question that jmurder posed... i know that jesus was broke... but this other guy agrees with me...

so read it...

this is really depressing to me because i believe in this way of giving as a virtue... but i dont really do it...

Monday, November 20

JP montoya eats it and goes down in flames in miami...

kramer from sienfeld went crazy at the laugh factory and called everybody nigger

he apparently went nuts when some dudes heckled him... i just saw it on cnn


rep charles rangel from NY is all over the place talking about a draft...

that guy is nutty... seems a bit like he is proposing this as a back door around into the whole issue of our deplyment in iraq and hypocrisy from politicians who support it and who are "pro-military", but i like him... and i agree that there should be a draft...

maybe the pentagon isnt so into a draft.. i hear that a lot... but i bet they would find something to do with those guys...

there should be some kind of mandatory national service... not neccesarily in the military (although that should be an option)... you could do police, or public works, or volunteer for a year or two full time with some group like habitat for humanity or something...

we would be better off...

we rented a cool team house for our cool team

Sunday, November 19

there has been some work on the site and we are getting things up and running.. check the site

we will be offering 8 grants in 2007 to promoters.. they will be in excess of 5400 bucks a day to help you run your event... we are interested in helping promoters afford police and ems at events in the carolinas... and then maybe later the WORLD!!!...

check the site out... there is a bit on there about all things we do... more is on the way!...


we just made a deal on a van and trailer for our cool team...


on cnn they are doing this whole thing on that crazy guy... he is trying to be the new age dr phil... i dont doubt there is a mind body conection and i know that morale has a lot to do with almost any aspect of your body and health but this guy is to much of a bad scene to be taken seriously... hes not a guy doing real science in the area i dont think... he just seems to me to be a face man...

he is the guys that did the pictures of water molecules... no, he is not, actually.. that guy was some other guy who was more of a nut...

maybe gupta isnt that much of a nut... i think i get ticked with these guys because the people that think they are so cool are new age wierdos...

gupta- you are still nutty to me... is a great website....

Saturday, November 11

guiness in the bottle sucks

thats the way it is.... i am sure that no irishman had anything to do with putting it in the bottles because they are terrible... its like a different beer... the cans are ok if you have to get your guiness from the grocery store... the king of beers is yuengling... period... cheap like miller but good... i had a miller lite and it tasted like it had the cigarette butts already in it... i though you had to put them there... but nope.. they come that way...

Saturday, November 4

Team Erik Saunders

I was just at West Coast customs and you team cars almost done..


our race around hanes park in winston-salem, nc will be in the NRC next year... it will have 10k for pro men and also have a full slate of races for other categories and include the best race of the day... THE KIDS RACE....

this is the day after bank of america and the last race in the cross roads series...

Wednesday, November 1

my team

the roster is complete and i will say who is on it in a few weeks...

we will have for sure TIME bikes... and Capo Forma Clothing... and Lazer helmets... and some money to spend to go to races in our dope team car...

Saturday, October 28

biker DNA testing...

has got to be the most retarded thing i have ever heard...

as cycling's foremost libertarian i am against compulsory dna gathering of any kind...

Thursday, October 26

McLane is back...

just when i was going to post a rant about the nrc...

what the hell... its still valid...

i love the nrc thing... its such a shitty deal that i cant believe it... you pay all this money and you have all this stuff you have to do and the your race gets on the super cool nrc.. and what do you get?... nothing really.. some pros maybe might come cuz they can get some points... and we all know that pro bikers are so cool that if they come to your race then your race must be cool by association of all these cool pro bikers...

i dont mind the concept of paying to be in the nrc but i just dont think you get much for it at all... you will get more out of being a race... so lets have a calendar where you have to go to be cool...

blah blah blah...

if we i want pro bikers to come to my race i would rather just put that money i pay to the nrc into paying teams to come and waiving entries and working a deal on free lodging... make it for the up and comers and the small teams who dont have opportunities to race some events... our race is maybe gonna be nrc next year the day after b of a... we will see... for me i am more concerned about the overall competitiveness of the event and an even field with more riders who can possibly win than with trying to lure one or two bigger teams to stomp everone... that time of the year the nrc gets thin for participation... its gonna be one of those things that we might just do... but it wont stop me from thinking its stupid... or from pushing usa cycling to provide more of a return to us who are puttin gon the events...

that alone wont buy us legitimacy i dont think... and i would rather see an event thats a community event for the people... i dont think that we need nrc status to do that... and i think that the pro race this past year we had was plenty exciting without nrc points...

Wednesday, October 25

Human species may split in two

Human species 'may split in two
Different human sub-species predicted by Dr Oliver Curry
Humanity may split into an elite and an underclass, says Dr Curry
Humanity may split into two sub-species in 100,000 years' time as predicted by HG Wells, an expert has said.

Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge.

The human race would peak in the year 3000, he said - before a decline due to dependence on technology.

People would become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species, he added.

The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the "underclass" humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.

Race 'ironed out'

But in the nearer future, humans will evolve in 1,000 years into giants between 6ft and 7ft tall, he predicts, while life-spans will have extended to 120 years, Dr Curry claims.

Physical appearance, driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility, will improve, he says, while men will exhibit symmetrical facial features, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises.

Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features, he adds. Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffee-coloured people.

However, Dr Curry warns, in 10,000 years time humans may have paid a genetic price for relying on technology.

Spoiled by gadgets designed to meet their every need, they could come to resemble domesticated animals.

Receding chins

Social skills, such as communicating and interacting with others, could be lost, along with emotions such as love, sympathy, trust and respect. People would become less able to care for others, or perform in teams.

Physically, they would start to appear more juvenile. Chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food.

There could also be health problems caused by reliance on medicine, resulting in weak immune systems. Preventing deaths would also help to preserve the genetic defects that cause cancer.

Further into the future, sexual selection - being choosy about one's partner - was likely to create more and more genetic inequality, said Dr Curry.

The logical outcome would be two sub-species, "gracile" and "robust" humans similar to the Eloi and Morlocks foretold by HG Wells in his 1895 novel The Time Machine.

"While science and technology have the potential to create an ideal habitat for humanity over the next millennium, there is a possibility of a monumental genetic hangover over the subsequent millennia due to an over-reliance on technology reducing our natural capacity to resist disease, or our evolved ability to get along with each other, said Dr Curry.

Thursday, October 19

Wednesday, October 18

jeffery wins project runway?!

what a rip... i cant believe that shit.. ULI was seriously robbed... but yeah... whatever... i dont like much of anything in his final collection and i can tell you that if he talked to my mom the way he did that other chicks mom then i would punch his teeth in...

i am not such a fan of this show anymore...

Tuesday, October 17 officially calls for the freedom of royd flandis!

i believe that the case against you should be dropped all together... but i will not stop making fun of the situation... and i will also not stop using the name "royd flandis (TM)" in regards to this issue... because its funny to me and i have the right to amuse myself...

i will never know what really went down with you and your medical program.. and i dont too much care.. same as i said to joey dantoni when i saw him a few years back... he started to get into his whole thing with me and i go "dude.. i dont care..." because its true that i care in general about this kind of thing but i dont really care to have specific beefs with people over this shit because life is too short...

so whatever... tell your story.. blah blah blah... no worries... i believe in procedure and juriceprudence (sp?.. albers?)... i also have no problem with the OJ verdict because in the end when you get this kind of thing rolling you had better have your shit straight and above reproach.. cuz when i get caight up in some sloppy mess i would just rather not be in it to begin with... so more power to people who get into some shit like this to call the powers that be on this mess so they tighten their game up and i dont have to bother with it... dig?

Sunday, October 15

Floyd Landis presentation

White and Nerdy

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this is what a bunch of fucknuts USADA is

months ago i called usada and left a message asking how we could fund more tests in cycling... this is in the long term plan of cyclesafe (my npo)and i began to gather info on what we can do to dontae funds to this end and to make it more affordable to events in the southeast... I NEVER GOT A CALL BACK...

so i called them again 2 months later and finally got to talk to somebody... first off i lambasted those idiots for not calling back... then i explained what we were looking to do... anf the lady said something like "we dont have any kind of way to do anything like that".. and i go well dont you have a way to come test if a promoter requests testing?... "oh yeah.. we can do that.." well thats what we are thinking of... i explain that we are woirking with events in other aspects anyway and we would also like to include dope testing in that and if there were any way to work this out we want to discuss it.. being as that there actually IS a way it can happen easily through promoter requests then lets talk about THAT... the USADA lady was UNINTERESTED...

so we left it that she would gather info on the existing protocol for drug testing through individual promoters that request it and how we could help that program to do more testing in the southeast and 2 and a half months later i have heard nothing.. i never got the impression that thery were at all interested... these people just arent serious... USADA my ass...
thinking more on back in the days... the french had a nice program called sport net that was a big anti-doping education program... it was EVERYWHERE in serious business... and in the USA we have NOTHING... no member of the federation or USADA has ever come to my teams or sent me anything about doping or made any effort to have any presence as an organization educating riders on teh problems of drug use... sport net was like a typical teen anti-drug thing for sports and i think it was effective in starting early with athletes to form a bad opinion of doping...

in my new team we will make a strong effort to educate riders on the dangers of drug use and to make it clear to them that they will have to make a choice in their lives and careers... its like the teen drinking or weed smoking ads.. at some point you are going ot have people offer you beer when you are 15 or they are are going to say try this weed or smoke this meth or have some e or something and you have to know what you are going to say ahead of time... ostensibly you say no... yeah... but this sport net thing was to say to people- you will have to make a choice at some point, and chose against it... i will say that to my riders... at some point, the better you get and the longer you stay in, you will come to a place where you can choose to take drugs or to not take drugs... and it is very true... there does come a point where you have this presented to you as an option.. even if you dont seek it out...

it a responsibility of everyone who works with young athletes to address the doping issue... its irresponsible to fill peoples heads with all this of whats possible in the sport and how they can be these great riders if they train hard and all that crap and then you dont even say a word to them about doping... maybe people just dont understand that doping is a reality and that the opportunities that a rider has to go that route are many and easy to come by... these people maybe dont know a damed thing about sports and maybe they should just be a boy scout troop leader... in putting together this young team i am more and more aware of other programs that are attempting what i am doing... and i dont know that they are run in a professional manner and i dont either think that they have anybody who really knows what the hell is going on in a bike race to tell you the truth.. but i hope that they at least are able to talk frankly about doping in their team... because if they dont then they should just forget about the whole thing... they arent the right people to be invovled...

Andreu and Vaughters "gossiped" about US Postal's alleged doping practices?

no shit... of course they did... go read that shit in cyclingnews... i can say to you that this is the time that i was in france... and i was in the team of jean-rene bernadau and i know that his philosophy was definetly NO NEEDLES... this was just afer festina affair mind was put to us that the french directors had come to an agreement that there would be no needles administered by the teams of any kind to avoid anything looking crazy... this is when it became common for journalists to go through garbage and all this... it was a bad time to have to explain needles... trust me... it was everywhere in the press everything that teams might be doing.. and guys were getting pulled over by the "flying" customs agents... our team got pulled over more than 5 times and was searched... so i can say that it is not odd to hear that CA had no needles...

the year before i came it was apparently common for needles to be all over... and even in my team there were needles they tell me... not neccessarily doping products, but vitamins and hydration IVs and things like this... it was called being "cared for"... a guy who was in the team said to me once... "yeah, even in this team there was a time that we were cared for.. but not now, things have changed"... so the french made a decision that the teams would not be involved in any kind of sytematic thing like festina had done... and i know at least JRB really believed in that and that times would have to change and so they all went in on the no needles bit... obviously, years later we see that cells of guys went out on theur own and did their thing... but the teams were no longer being a part... and this is also the time when JC Robin was making a lot of noise about "cycling at 2 speeds"... so it seems that the french were serious about not continuing with business as usual becasue it was dangerous for the sport... and most importantly dangerous for their business interests.. dont forget that the teams this big are money making ventures like any sports organization at the highest level...

why do i say all of this?... because some people no doubt will think that JV is full of crap about CA... i dont know what went on there... but i know that this is consistent with what i KNOW the philosophy of the period was in french teams... and according to saul there still are no needles in the bags of CA staff members that are used under specific top down directives as a part of the teams' modus operandus...

as for the implications on lance and flandis.. i dont care too much... because as far as i am concerned none of those guys ever bought me any beers... but neither too has JV or frankie... so screw those guys as well...

Saturday, October 14

Microlending wins the nobel prize

yahooooooo news...

i heard about this concept a few years ago and i thought it made a lot of sense... and then i forgot all about it... but then i saw this guy... and i read all about what he has been doing and its about the coolest thing i have seen anyone do...

look also at the wikepedia article for a complete overview of the microlending concept... you can see how ridiculous this thing can get... there is no particular virtue in microlending.. just virtuous people who use it to make a positive impact...

its like helping a guy to learn to fish...

Friday, October 13

royd flandis's big truck

it appears that that royd flandis has his big fat murrietta red neck truck ready to drive through the hole in his case... fresh from "trick my truck" on CMT he will give the final "fuck you" to authorities a la "convoy" and either come away clean or forever be elevated to folk hero status... check it on his website or wherever...

Sunday, October 8

Hey, I'm just this guy...

I'm not bad-ass or anything. I just train hard, ride my bike, and try to be a nice guy. Don't know if succeed or not, but I try.

Time standard for the talent pool is 1:04.16 - I was a little slow. Doubt the Fed will want to take a slow 40-year-old to a World cup, but hey, if you guys want to petition Pat McDonough, I know I have a better kilo than that in me. Of course, tell Pat I'll need to know soon, as right now I'm just sitting around getting fatter. I would have to get the bike back out and actually train.

I'm really just satisfied right now. I have busted my ass for three years. This year I missed a total of 4 workouts, and only 2 due to illness or laziness. One of those was because I couldn't breathe for all the coughing I was doing (in February). So, I guess I was really lucky, not being sick when it counted, having a great coach, and having a great training partner. I'm not lucky to have a great wife - I chose well there.

In closing, I'll just say that if you chose a non-olympic event that few or none seem to care about, pick the right time to show up, do a decent time, yes, you too can be an elite national champion, just like me. But I AM and Elite National Champion, and no one can ever take that away.

And I don't smell like chamois cream. And I don't use product. My flattop stands proud all by itself.

Landis positive for US Cycling!

the whole good upshoot of the Landis positive is that andy rhis doesnt have to spend all that money on Phonak team anymore and so now he can mount the BMC USA Team...

jackson and moninger are in this team, with scmatz also i believe.. and also big timer alexandre moos will be here as well...

so all this talk of the Landis business being bad for cycling in the US is BS... as a direct result of this we will have a NEW MILLION DOLLAR BIKE TEAM!!!...


these guys should all go thank floyd for their jobs...

Friday, October 6

tomorrow is national take a kid mountain biking day...

are you taking any kids mountain biking?... i am...

steve hill is the kilo champion of the usa

the old man wins it...

"it speaks to the sad state of US track cycling that a 40 year old fat ass can win the kilo at elite nats"- STEVE HILL HIMSELF...

shit... thats nice...

so we got all these kids training in the fed program and a 42 year old guy with a wife and dogs and a more than full time job wins the kilo...

it helps that he is actually fast...

congrats to steve... maybe you can make a post and tell me about how bad ass you are...

what was the time standard for world cup?

Thursday, October 5

USA Cycling Professional Tour announced for 2007?

finally we some progress!.. thank you so much... steve johnson must read my website... now lets work on some TV rights and a media blitz in the mainstream sports world... starting with just maybe some results in major dailys...

what i really like about this is that it removes these races from the nrc (seemingly) making this more of a pro am series.. its has always been unfair to small teams that cannot start ToC or TdG and thusly lose out on a TON of points...

i would like to now see USA Cycling develop a NATIONAL tier of teams below the continental team rung... this could be cheaper than continental status and still offer some garanteed selection to top events... in order to make cycling a viable advertising option there needs to be some area for these smallish "pro" teams to exist successfully... half these teams shouldnt be pro anyway... but still if they could be a part of something organized and special they could continue in a more realistic way rather than trying always to get into these USA PRO TOUR races where they get spanked...

we talked about doing the TIME team as a continental team but we diecided against it for a number of reasons... but i would register with USA Cycling if there were an intermediate step between "pro" and the club level... the money we pay to do this could go directly to admin and to help promote and bolster the NRC where we would be garanteed to compete...

think about it...

here it is from

On Wednesday, USA Cycling announced the creation of the USA Cycling Professional Tour, in an aim to recognise the top international-caliber UCI professional teams and riders. The series of 15 races will include all races on the current UCI calendar, plus three USA Cycling professional national championships for a total of 40 days of racing.

The goal of the Professional Tour is to acknowledge international competition in the USA and the events that have made the commitment to host UCI-sanctioned races that feature UCI-registered professional teams and riders. To that end, the USA Cycling Professional Tour will crown an overall champion based on points at the end of the 2007 series.

"We're thrilled that with the growth of world-class cycling in the United States, we're now able to recognize a season-long calendar of major international events," commented Steve Johnson, chief executive officer of USA Cycling. "The creation of this calendar signifies a major step forward in the evolution of our sport at the highest level within our own borders."

In the past, many of the events on the USA Cycling Professional Tour have been a part of the USA Cycling National Racing Calendar (NRC), however with growing demand for inclusion on the NRC and the continued increase in the number of internationally-sanctioned events in the USA, two calendars with two distinct purposes are now viable. The NRC will remain open to both professional and club-level teams to feature a "Pro-Am" atmosphere.

The separation of UCI-sanctioned events and the National Racing Calendar is a change welcomed by pro team managers, race promoters and riders alike.

"The new model created by USA Cycling simplifies racing in America and creates a nice synergy between the two calendars," explained TIAA-CREF team manager Jonathan Vaughters. "The USA Cycling Professional Tour creates a simple way to determine the best rider that competes in the United States while the retention of the NRC allows for a team manager like myself to identify up and coming talent."

"To ensure the depth of talent here in the United States continues to grow," continued Johnson. "Our riders need to compete against world-class competitors from around the globe. Continued emphasis on top-level international competition on USA soil through the development of the USA Cycling Professional Tour will help to make this a reality."
2007 USA Cycling Professional Tour

February 18-25: AMGEN Tour of California - California
April 14: USA Cycling Open - Richmond, Va.
April 16-22: Tour de Georgia - Georgia
June 3: Commerce Bank Lancaster Classic - Lancaster, Pa.
June 7: Commerce Bank Reading Classic - Reading, Pa.
June 10: Commerce Bank International Championship - Philadelphia, Pa.
June 17: Austin Men's Invitational - Austin, Texas
June 23: Saturn Rochester Twilight Criterium - Rochester, N.Y.
August 12-19: Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah - Utah
August 19: USA Cycling Professional Criterium Championships - Downer's Grove, Ill.
September 1: The Cliffs USA Cycling Professional Time Trial Championships - Greenville, S.C.
September 3: The Cliffs USA Cycling Professional Road Championships - Greenville, S.C.
September 8: Univest Grand Prix - Souderton, Pa.
September 11-16: Tour of Missouri - Missouri
September 15: Tour de Leelanau - Traverse, City, Mich

Wednesday, October 4

project runway

so right...

I havent been on this year much with the show... it appears to be not that great... More and more its seeming like its so much drama...

But i can tell you that the montage bit they put together on tim gun just put to point the declining level of american english vocabulary... As if words like "consternation" and "caucus" are three dollar words... "mitigate"?... Sorry for you if these words are confusing... It just blows me away the lack of ability of people to describe and convey concepts through language because they dont know words... Or worse yet the bits of knowledge and understanding that a person can lose because they fail to grasp the subtle intricacies of language...

i might watch top chef.. but i dont have much time to watch a lot of TV after lost


Lost is back on... Nice... I might this time like jack... Hated michael and glad he is gone... Again... NOTHING HAPPENED... thats the thing with this show... You get excited and you watch an hour of it and nothing happens... But i cant stop watching it...

USA Cycling announce talent search?

sounds like a promo for RacerMate to me... but we will see what happens... the problem isnt ID.. we have a lot of strong athletes already... but what the hell do we do with these guys when we figure if they have any ability?... i see a lot of promo for RacerMate and the feds and a lot of other kids that will end up churned up and spit out by the feds...

but hey... what can you do... i have already put my money where my mouth is to do a team on my own... so we will see what kind of model will work out ok... i am not such a fan of top down...

the feds should be developing the sport nationaly with events and TV rights if they really want to do something for the sport...

but here it is from

USA Cycling has announced a new program that will see the sporting body take a hands-on approach to the development of future competitive riders. The organisation has launched the USA Cycling Talent Search powered by RacerMate with the 2012 London Olympics in mind.

The initiative is aimed at training, testing and developing elite junior riders to ensure the nation's future competitiveness in the sport. "Young cyclists are the key to the future of our sport and it is critical we identify them early so we can carefully cultivate their talent and prepare them for competition," explained USA Cycling's CEO Steve Johnson. "RacerMate's national MultiRider network offers a unique opportunity to accurately test America's youth talent in a controlled setting, on a nationwide level. A critical aspect of this program is to search as far and wide as we can, and in Bicycling we are partnering with the nation's most-read cycling magazine."

Full details on the program are expected to be released later this month. For more information see

Post vegas

now that i am at the bike show to work its not nearly as fun...

Because of people coming up to me saying how much they enjoy(ed) the site i will... Start doing it again...

For a while it was really difficult to concentrate on with all what i had going on... But now i think i need to get back on it... Thanks to slover and hamblen and parke and steve hill (world champion) and nate and all for keeping things going...

i have a team that i am getting off the ground... So i will have that to talk about... I plan to do a separate site for that but my own site is a good place to start with a lead in to info for the team...

we will be 6 riders to start... Me and pat raines to lead and teach... And then 3 young riders who are set to go but i wont name names for a while... I have one open spot in the team and i would like to have this one kid in particular but it remains to be decicded... for sure for 08 i will have him...

we will be racing almost exclusively in the southeast... Just because we are a devo team doesnt mean that our expectations will be low... i plan to be the top team in the region and if we are the best by the halfway point in the season then we will look to make some trips out of thearea to do some racing...

for the first year the gola is to win the big amateur events from md to ga... Some of the goals will be tour de moore and tour of shenanadoah... Rock hill... there are some nice nrc races that e can do as well and we want to make sure that we start those as well becase the selection for some of the events is competitive...

i talked with a lot of the team directors in the us about what we re doing and the initial response is very positive... Its a concept that i dont have sell them becuse they see instantly the value in a program that is turning out young twentysomethings that know what it is to be a bike racer and who can be counted on to show up everyday ready for work... Knowing what the job is and how it gets done...

my goal is to have a program that is so well respected that i can call any team and tell them to take a rider and they do... Because i have given teams nothing buut quality riders before...

it will go well

the team right now is supported by TIME and our npo cyclesafe.Org... There are a few other sponsors that will come on but the deals need to finalized...

Look for more on this in the start of the new year... But likely we will have some things to talk about just after thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 3


i cant get blogger to publish...

i think i might make legends into a blog of them all... but maybe not... so parke, and others... if you have a legendary story just e mail it to me and i will put it up...

i am going to add in the time i made menzies leave the country...

Monday, October 2

tomorrow the legends go back up...

and also the new legend about that fucking guy bjarne riis breaking my pump...


you know... its time to belly up and put stuff back where you got it from people...

my devo team is off the ground and running... by the end of the year we will have a site up for these guys...

typically guys who are good leave the sport and never come back.. but me and my main man have rounded up the funds to do a team that will give kids a degree in bike racing... in the US guys are strong but they have no idea what the hell they are doing in the bike race... so the goal of the program is to turn out young riders who can integrate seamlessly into any pro team and know what their job is... its the first step to being good i think... kowing what game you are playing... and so after 2 years in the program you will go out to the world.. either in a USA team or in europe...

this is the kind of thing that will take a lot of time to pull off and build momentum for... in the short term though the team managers that i talked to about the idea are really excited about it... so its looking good...

you want to see some real accomplishment?.. this is it.. beanie doing pushups.. its pure athletisism... not like that farcical USPRO Champs where all the best riders colluded instead of racing against each other... my wife says not to call it out like that.. but i got a five star in PROCYCLING MAG so i have to TELL IT LIKE IT IS and go back to the roots... "just stop" she says.. but i have to give the people what they paid to see... thats right...

you can be friends with me on myspace... i am not very picky when it comes to myspace...
This is Sabine Olivia Saunders... i call her Beanie... she is my favorite girl in the whole world... besides maybe her mom who is ok too... she is why i quit biking.. the lamest sport in the world... yes.. its lame... but its fun too.. but for guys who want to be a good dad i cant see it... sorry to offend.. but i cant stand to travel around the whole place riding in circles to feel good about myself when my little beanie is at home doing stuff i cant see what it is... i went to vegas to do the bike show and she had a little tooth pop out and i missed it...

thanks to PROCYCLING for making me big time...

now i have to post crap on this site.. i have been ignoring it for a while... but now i cant...

i should put those dang socks back up for sale...

i will have to come up with a history on me and all that soon.. as well as an archive to the ORIGINAL site... the smooth originator of shit talking and biking...

thats right...

Thursday, September 28


That $^#t is DOPE...

Floyd Cycles
"Juiced (tm)"

(It must really appeal to the WADA)

Sunday, September 24

i am checking to say that i am in vegas for the bike show...

And in the airport i saw keith sweat...

Monday, September 18

Thursday, September 14

saw this bad news

i knew JD well.. he was in teh first group of guys who came out to santa barbara from the east coast to train in the winter and make the big time in bike racing...

we were on the east coast regional team in 96 and out little group came out of that.. me and hamblen and JD... and jon nisbet and this guy named chad and ken vida and andy rhodes... with all those guys we had a great training group and we rode without fail everyday together all winter in california... i did my longest training ride ever with that group at a little over 8 hours... we did the national team program to a T no questions asked.. what idiots we were...

by not riding so much i am lessening the chance that i will leave my wife and sabine suddenly, thats for sure... it is heartbreaking to think of JD and his family for me... i dont normally care about stuff like this.. but its real close... and i have my little babe now...

so condolences to JDs family...

Wednesday, September 13

Erik vs. Paris

For the three of you who cruise this site but not, click on over and participate in the new Erik Saunders related poll:

Unfortunately there isn't a voting option for "By the looks of it, Erik's head just ate Paris Hilton."

-And dig the new article by the original Ryan Barrett. New jersey, same winner's pose.

Friday, September 1

Tuesday, August 29

Friday, August 18

thats right folks.. we get it done...

thats right we put up around here... 10k to get shit organized and pay it out to the clubs who get people to go to races... thats right...

its not really my money but me and jon and our other man jamie are the masterminds behind it all.. thats right... its not for "junior development" or free bike welfare for snotty bratts, its cash money for the people who love the sport no matter who they are... and not matter what category they are...

TIME Factory Development Team?... yes.. thats right... developing young riders and turning them into tough ass bike racers... so they can do the world a favor and be cool and win?... hell no... so they can rock out and have fun before they have to get old and die and before human society is rolled off the stage of the universe in a ball of flames...

Tuesday, August 15

DeCanico, lost his mind!!!

Today I felt the terrible pain again of the sport that will not allow me to shed the demons in my life.

Sunday, August 13

SU sold out to the man... Round 2

so i go over there and what do i see?... Sponsors and an anti slander policy!...

i have better numbers and i could sell advertising but i wouldnt do it because i would rather be free to say whatever the hell i want to... I have a say what the fuck i want policy... whats up?... And if you want to buy ads on my site you can bet that i will stand right by my policies to say whatever i feel like saying... And there is no ammount of money that a company could give me to not say what i please...

i hear that guy doesnt need the money these days... But hell, he might... Dueling websites be damned... The commander is a sell out son of a bitch... Ghetto bike pass revoked... sham fraud hornswaggled bamboozled...

red bull time again

i got the call up for road rage number two.. and so i relaunch my career as a gravity racer... this year there will be a big screen at the bottom of the hill and it will be much more spectator friendly... sweet...

Wednesday, August 9

forcing floyd

i dont know about all this public blah blah about this and that... it seems like these days there is a tendancy to just say anything you can on all fronts... just as a way to deflect any possible thing from any side... the landis camp has made statements all over the map on just about all matters... some of them conflicting... the whole thing is a bit non-sensical...

why say anything at all?... what can you say really anyway?... you just end up looking like OJ... just find the damned real killers and stop talking about it...

Tuesday, August 8

FORD ditches TdG

yeah well.. what can you do?... thats all i have to say about that...

i love how they always say how rosy everything is and talk and talk... i would just go "yeah. thats been coming down for a while now but i anticipated that... no worries.. the show will go on... quote me"...

promoting races and the sport

after working like a crazy man for the past few days on teh hanes park race in winston-salem i can say that i am motivated to do more races...

cyclesafe is going to be doing course safety for the 4th street criterium we have friday night after the USPRO RR weekend...

and i had a call today with the suppliers of air fencing about our needs for cycling...

i envision our company completely doig away with metal barricades all together and designing course set-up with the safety of the athletes coming before anything else... after 2007 season we will have significantly raised the bar for race promotions and course safety...

Monday, August 7

did i say i quit?

i did actually finally quit...

as well as working on i am doing promo and south east sales for TIME... buy an ulteam or something...

but the cool thing about cyclesafe is that we are going to be hooking up some serious moto gp style course safety set-ups... thats a big goal of ours.. we want to do away with metal barriers for good.. great for crowd control... bad for the riders... more to come on that...

were you at hanes park?

if you came to our race at hanes park let me know what you thought... the pro race was a nice race.. but for me the best race of the day was our kids race...

the website for our NPO is

check also this is our site as well and we are going to use it as the official site of the Carolinas Team Cup... $10,000 in prizes for the top teams in NC.. but its not only about being fast... its about having a club that encourages participation at all levels... Capoforma and TIME are supporters of the series and the title sponsor is Budget Self Storage...

Friday, August 4

i might maybe post again soon...

i am starting a non-profit and promoting a race the day after B of A... and i dont miss biking at all... one less thing to have to go do in the day...

Wednesday, August 2

Thursday, July 27

This is better then Roid-Landis

I saw the Triple Threat at "Abbey" in West Hollywood. Lance Armstrong, Jake Gyllenhaal and Matthew McConaughey.
And they were looking very chummy.The Abbey is a GAY bar. I heard Lance was gay for long time, but this confirms it.
And they all share a place together...

Whatever you do, don't drink beer during a UCI stage race..

The Effect of Alcohol Consumption on the Urinary Testosterone / Epitestosterone Ratio
By Dr Simon Davis B.Sc., Ph.D.
Intoxicating beverages contain a number of different forms of alcohol, the major constituent of which is ethanol. When a beverage is consumed the ethanol content passes through the stomach wall and digestive tract into the blood stream. Once the ethanol enters circulation it begins to alter the bodies' biochemistry. One such reaction is to differentially increase the rates of testosterone (T) and epitestosterone (E) metabolism. The overall effect of this reaction is to increase the ratio of T to E excreted in the urine.

It has been reported that ethanol consumption can increase urinary T/E ratios by 30% - 277% in healthy individuals. Observed changes in plasma T/E ratios can occur with the consumption of less than 2 pints of lager. The ingestion of ethanol by an individual will increase the T/E ratio observed in a urine sample.

It follows that if the effect of ethanol on T/E ratios is calculated relative to urinary E concentrations, it can be seen that increases in the ratio are exponential as E concentrations decrease. Individuals with naturally low E concentrations could, therefore, experience increases in T/E ratios of ? 940% greater than increases experienced in an individual with normal E concentrations. Calculations estimate that in individuals with low urinary E concentration, ratios of 17 to 1 or higher could have resulted from ethanol consumption without any administration of exogenous T.

The current T/E ratio test as performed by Kings College Laboratory and approved by the UK Sports, the IWF and IOC cannot discriminate between a 13 to 1 T/E ratio resulting from ethanol ingestion or a 13 to 1 ratio resulting from endogenous T administration.

Thursday, July 20

Props to Landis

Not for nearly regaining lost time. For this:

15:58:10 - Yellow Jersey For A Six-Pack Of Beer...
After Floyd Landis regained the lead of the Tour de France at the top of L'Alpe d'Huez he decided that he wanted a beer to celebrate the moment. On the road down to his hotel, his team car pulled over and the American traded a yellow jersey for a six-pack of beer with a spectator.

-From, stage 17

Saturday, July 15

Thursday, July 13

Uci aero rule and landis' time loss

Putting it on the uci that landis didnt get stomped by less?... That the dubest thing i ever heard.... He lost time cuz his bike broke... Lim says on cycling news that the uci aero rules cost time... I suppose thats right... They cost EVERYONE time... They cost me time and you time and segei gonchar lost time because of the uci rules too...

You cant have your bars above your seat and thats the way it goes... So why is it a special case that he had to change his illegal bike?... please... Just stop...

Store suspended

Please dont order anything from the store... I am having computer issues and i cant keep up with it for the moment... If you have ordered anything i am processing now... So dont worry... But for the moment i cant take new orders.... And i cant take it down off the site either cuz my computer is jacked....

Saturday, July 8

Friday, July 7

David Zabriskie

Did anyone see Dave on Velonews TV? I think Dave's performance-enhancing drug is Crack.

Sunday, July 2

My prediction is that julich gets third...

Treo 650...

Do any of you knuckleheads still believe tyler?...

i cant believe that anybody did... And bell helmets was all over with those goddammed buttons at the bike show... What a bunch of retards...

And then that guy who had that website with the nerve to ask for donations to that little skinny fool's legal defense fund... That dude got 5 figures raised!... People gave!... I wonder how stupid they feel now...

More later on how stupid manolo is and how he has got to be the most idiotic organized crime boss ever...

Treo 650...

Thursday, June 29

Monday, June 26

Friday, June 23

Wednesday, June 21

Holy Crap, I just remembered this was a Cycling blog...

Le Tour:

We're well into the season, with a few big bike-games behind us.
So... it's time to go on record.

Who's winning the big one?

Tuesday, June 6

Soda Fountain

Check this out!

Science is great, diet soda is scary.
(And Mentos is Der Freshmacher)

Sunday, June 4

i need to updat e my site because if i dont then nobody buys socks

so i got out here and we decide to get this other house... and so now i have to get this place we got now rented... the renter i had that moved out june 1 sort of trashed the place out and so i have to do a TON of work to get it back ready to rent... i would be justified in keeping her whole deposit...

and hopefully i can close on this other place aug 1... my ca house closes on the 16th of june...

this is the new house...

Tuesday, May 30

i am now accepting new coachees

i have time to devote to three more folks who would like to kick it up to the next level... i focus first on psychological approach and confidence, then race tactics, and of course the meat and potatoes- daily training with a power meter...

affordable rates of course...

i am now in the south east so for people in the area i will be able to be present at your events...

also i do club rates...

if you are interested then e mail me


Monday, May 29

i m buying another house... we saw a great cool ass house and so wwe are buying it... and renting the other one...

you know...

winston-salem nc has an en espanol section of the phone book.. why? because they have money!... thats the true mark of what it is to live in america and be accepted into our society... buying power... get over it folks and take your spanish lessons...

i tell you what... if i can speak spanish in this town and it helps me to integrate myself into the population then i will do it... i want my little babe to speak spanish for sure... and maybe a few other languages...

Monday, May 22

Saturday, May 20

What's funny about this is, that Erik is on the road for about a week. That's how long this will stay here.. Then I will be kick off his site forever.

Wednesday, May 17

i will return to pro biking in july...

with my goal being to have huge form for the carolina cup.... along the way i will hit some form for BofA, hanes park, and then also be racing well in the atlanta 10k... and greenville...

Tuesday, May 16

more kits $75

alright... all this stuff fits me... its med or large depending on who made it...

more kits...

OFOTO- 2 bibs, 2 skinsuits.. some hats...

Vendee-U- 3 longlseeves, 2 have been cut to make a thermal short sleeve...

Ficonseils- one great condition bibs, 2 jersey

6 other random jerseys of teams i have been on and 6 new shorts of diferent sizes and a pair of mcguire bibs...

random arm and knee warmers..

$75 bucks shipped to you today.. paypal only...

email me

Monday, May 15

me and my little babe...


HellaSaul: saunders Eriksaun: ha ha bitch!...
Eriksaun: whats crackin?
Eriksaun: hows the recovery?
HellaSaul: still in the hospital
Eriksaun: in dalton?
HellaSaul: coming along, very hard
Eriksaun: hows the brain?
HellaSaul: in atlanta
HellaSaul: its screwed
Eriksaun: i am movig next week... i will come visit you and fix your shit up right
Eriksaun: how much longer will you be in the hospital?
HellaSaul: at least another week. you an come any time.. aftr I get out I go o an rehab center for 3-4 weeks
Eriksaun: maybe you wont be in the hospital.. is rehab at home?
HellaSaul: no
Eriksaun: atlanta?
HellaSaul: hospital type thing in Atl yes
Eriksaun: right on.. we will come down then... you can see my little babe
Eriksaun: whats the tough part?
HellaSaul: that would be awesome let keep in touch, where are you movingf?
Eriksaun: winston-salem
HellaSaul: o ok
Eriksaun: i will for sure come down there... i am moving in in the beginning of june... and mid june or late june i should be ready to take a trip
Eriksaun: so i will let you go...
Eriksaun: can i put this up on the site?.. people all the time want to know how you are...
HellaSaul: the HARD PART IS GETTING BACK TO NORmal life... my crash was the equivalant to an brain stroke.. i have problems with my left side, walking some.. and some thinking skills and memory.
HellaSaul: sure
Eriksaun: shit!
Eriksaun: there is so little info on how you are doing
HellaSaul: i am doing much better
Eriksaun: i am glad you found me
HellaSaul: I can walk now
Eriksaun: how long before you ride?
HellaSaul: i rode the stationary boke for 20 MIN TODAY Eriksaun: i know thats all you think about
HellaSaul: NOT SURE Yet
Eriksaun: you are a fucking insane animal
HellaSaul: but a while
Eriksaun: you cant stop saul raisin from riding his bike
HellaSaul: before i can go on the road
Eriksaun: well.. you can knock out some 5 hr trainer rides in rehab
HellaSaul: well i have to go to therpy, lets keep in touch
Eriksaun: how is tyler?
Eriksaun: ok then.. good luck
HellaSaul: later

Friday, May 12

this is morning smiley time...

MLM - Network Marketing Blog: The MLM Blog Hidden Camera

MLM - Network Marketing Blog: The MLM Blog Hidden Camerahell yeah...

buy my srm amateur octalink

its got new batteries in the crank and head unit... new harness... and newly calibrated...and i will give you an english BB... 175 cranks with also 172.5 cranks... the cranks on these are interchangeable in case you wanna change cranks for a TT or something...

$1800 OBO... i should e bay it but they take too much of your money...

e mail me

i say:

tax cuts are great... if you can get them... mostly you cant though even though they say you can, because usually they arent so much for you...

which brings me to why i cant live in california anymore... the middle class is dissapearing... rents are way too high.. there arent a lot of jobs that pay well... realestate values are astronomical... i cant live in a place with no middle class.. winston-salem NC is a place where a guy can work for a living and have a nice life... its cheaper to rent than buy in a lot of cases... its a nice life when all your money isnt spent...

not that i had that problem in CA... i bought my house before the boom and while its value went up 5 fold i had a nice cheap life... but you cant even do that anymore... its insane.. and ultimately not good... the price to be in good weather is too too high close to the coast... and now even out in the desert the cost of a decent house has outstripped what the wages are for people in this area... and rents are up too...

Wednesday, May 10

my new house that i am moving to

i am now officially on hiatus from pro biking

maybe i come back later in the year... i dont really know... i have to move this month and i have my little babe and my big babe too... so i feel like for right now i have other things that are more important than biking...

i got to the point where i thought of riding and going to races as taking away from what i am trying to do.. whereas before it was adding to it...

so for now, i am getting my teeth drilled out because sugary drinks rot your mouth... and i am waiting for my escrow to close.. and i am driving to NC on the 20th after i put the babes on the plane...

i have some big baller moves that i am making as well and i will say something about that when it gains form and momentum...

i need to just break off the advice on how i make my rise to becoming a millionaire so you can have something to read... some of you are no doubt already millionaires and will find it interesting and laugh at my bumbling around learning the hard way the way you did... and some of you will like to hear about it even if you arent big ballers... and some of you will wait for the train wreck.. and some of you will just probably be pissed off because you would rather hear about biking and not how to make money...

Monday, May 8

buy all my mcguire kits

for 100 bucks you can get all my mcguire kits.. they are top of the line bergamo... size medium... you pay shipping... i dont know all whats in there.. at least 4 full kits and a skinsuit...

i am moving in 2 weeks and i dont wanna transport all these clothes i never wear...

e mail me

eBay: Road BIKES, TEAM CAR, SRM's, KITS, CARBON, ZIPPS, DISC (item 7239659006 end time May-05-06 19:27:25 PDT)

eBay: Road BIKES, TEAM CAR, SRM's, KITS, CARBON, ZIPPS, DISC (item 7239659006 end time May-05-06 19:27:25 PDT)
this is the greatest auction ever...

Wednesday, May 3

Tuesday, May 2

I'm the Juggernaut Bitch

this is why colbert is the shit...

that dude just went to the white house and shit on every one in the room... thats a sack up guy that colbert...

check it out here

Saturday, April 29

I need a car that sounds like this!
"Watch the whole video and turn up volume".

Sunday, April 23

this is an audio post - click to play

The other night i watched hustle and flow... It was pretty good... I heard all kinds of people all up in arms over the title song winning an oscar.... So i had to check it out... I love when these stupid high fa-lootin people got somethin to say with their righteous indignation...

that movie was straight up about what its like to be in a dead end hustle... I can relate... Tell about it...

so what do i think about all day?... Not biking i can tell you that... I think a lot about eaty face... And i think how i can convert my house to a duplex by putting up another unit on my lot once i move up to a bigger place in 3 years... I go on gis all the time to get info on investment properties and plug em in to see what it would be like to have them turn profit in my 5-7 year window... I cant get into all that because then i cant sell my course of cd's if i give it away for free now...

I am on to a whole new kind of hustle...

Treo 650...

eaty face... this is eaty face...

Wednesday, April 19


this is the link to junior walker album with taxman

i was thinking about it and this song is bad because its like if the taxman was like a cool ass street hustler... the beatles version is like an uptight nervous shiesty taxman.. but jr walker is a smooth ass pimp taxman that makes you feel good about givin up all your money... its like his theme song when he comes around the block to get his money and he leaves as teh song fades out and you think "god damn that is one smooth ass taxman" and you want to be like him... but you dont wanna be like the beatles taxman because he probably has a big sharp pointy bird nose and beady greedy eyes and a hunch back like mr burns...

Tuesday, April 18

if you can find teh jr walker taxman tell where to get it

i cant find that shit anywhere.. but you can hear it at studio360.05g and listen to teh easter sunday story about tax dedustions for art doanations by artists.. its at teh end of the story around 5:50...

Tuesday, April 11

New Saul news

And it's good for a change...

Dalton cyclist Saul Raisin responded to questions by squeezing his parents' hands Tuesday at a hospital in Angers, France, marking the first sign of encouragement after he went into a coma following his April 4 crash.

"Today he had a real good day," Johnny Raisin, Saul's uncle, said from his office at Dalton Textiles. "Everybody's excited about it. We just hope he keeps improving. But [doctors] said it might not be a good day every day."

Full article here.

Sunday, April 9

"crazy" by Gnarls Barkley is my new favorite song... its good...

Thursday, April 6

i just dont see how you can be a bike racer and have kids at the same time... its a tough life...

i will be back for the local races after sea otter... but i will be going worse than ever i think... the lack of sleep is fine if you dont try to train... but if you dont sleep and you try to ride then its a problem...

ex-fan mail!


Your site just plain sucks. I used to like reading about your perspective on cycling, but this other BS is worthless.
I know it's no loss to you, but I'm taking you out of my favorites list.
Former Fan in RVA



sorry about that...

i havent really been racing lately... what with actual important things going on like fatherhood, moving across the country, selling my house... and setting it up so finally i can make some big time money and have some security for my family...

look at this then as an opportunity to get a life... and realize that there are more important things in life than cycling... and surfng the internet for cycling...

sorry that i dont entertain you... NOT... dont let the doorknob hit you in the ass on your way out...

if you want to though you can still come to my afterparty at captech... maybe i will do a silly dance so that you can be entertained by me...

Awww crap...

Saul is in a coma.

More here.

Tuesday, April 4

shitty reality shows

i figured out why i hate shitty reality shows like the real OC.. or 8th and ocean... or the real world...

these fucks on these shows fuck off all day and just dont do anything worthwhile... and this is like some kind of fantasy life for kids.. my niece who is 13 loves that shit!... i cant stand that these stupid people on these shows are held up as rock stars who can fuck off all day and do nothing but bull shit around...

let me tell you... i fuck off all day now and its not like it is on tv... when i was younger i used to really fuck off all day... and i can tell you that these kids on these shows dont know the first thing about how to fuck off a whole day bullshitting around!... i was the king!...

and these kids dont even rip!.. they dont rock out as hard as i did... we were full gas for months just rocking out and ripping it hard... and when we werent rocking out 20 times harder than on the real world we were fucking off and bullshitting at the level where it became an art form...

please... you cant rock out when you have to have a camera crew around setting up shots and when you have to be at a certain place at a certain time to re-create conversations you had earlier in the day because the lighting was wrong!...

these shows suck because its a bad copy of how hard i rocked back in the day.. so i cant even look at that fake shit.. i lived that life man... for real...

Buy my house for 160,000

Treo 650...