Monday, November 20

kramer from sienfeld went crazy at the laugh factory and called everybody nigger

he apparently went nuts when some dudes heckled him... i just saw it on cnn


Parke said...

Micheal Richards... he used to be a Klein rider - back in the tinker Juarez/Ned Overend days.

No, I mean the first Tinker Juarez/Ned Overend days.

erik saunders said...

the best part of it all is paul rodriguez who said something to the effect of "the laugh factory will not have him back until leaders of the black community have indicated to me that he has properly attoned for his actions"...

thats such a fucking joke to me... what a bunch of PC bullshit...

if that guy came to my club and pulled some shit like that he would be out forever and thats what i would say... he was supposed to come and be funny and not go off on a lunatic rant and ruin the show at my club...

i wouldnt wait for a bunch of grand standing fucks to tell me who i can have in my club just so i can seem like a "fair" guy... thats the hieght of BS to me...

Parke said...

Actually, I think the "black cummunity" bit is (intentionally or unintentionally) a joke. And an exquisite one at that.

You just explained the punchline.

erik saunders said...

it had to be a joke... but these days i dont know...

erik saunders said...

i was refering to paul rodgriguez's comments as a joke...

that kramer guy is just an odd dude... why a guy would get up on stage like that and make an ass of himself i cant tell you... he is just a guy who is detached from reality

erik saunders said...

i like how people are just getting up and walking out...

but the first part of it when ku klux kramer is talking about "upside down with a pitchfork up your ass" people were actually laughing... i am surprised it didnt become a riot... there must have been some classy people there...

none of that tirade was funny to me.. so i dont get the audience laughter...

unless there were other klan members in the audience...