Friday, November 17

I think they really believe this!

Competitve Enterprise Institute


Marco Fanelli said...

This makes me want to puke.

That CEI site says they believe and promote "free market approaches to environmental policy"... Give me a break! That's how you get asbestos, clear cutting, oil spills, 3-mile island, and on and on and on. Corporations do not--can not--have the long-term view, as their BoD's have a fiducial responsibility to make money for their shareholders. It's rediculous to think they will make the correct far-sighted decisions for planet Earth. They think one or two years ahead, maybe a decade at best, certainly not 50 or 100 years. That's why we NEED strong gov't regulations on business wrt the environment.

Back to lurking...

erik saunders said...

thats like a bad dharma initiative psa...

and that site of theirs is so wierd that i think it has to be a joke...

I_heart_guys_in_spandex said...

I just checked out the website.... what tom foolery! They have an enviromental knowledge quiz on's a passage from the quiz... (about economic growth and the enviroment.. specifically why "economic growth and enviormental progress go hand in hand")

".... For example, the developed world's decreased dependence on wood for fuel and construction as well as modern forestry practices mean that Americans now consume half the wood they consumed in 1900,(2).......researchers estimate that there are more trees today in North America than when Columbus arrived in 1492.(4)"

That makes sense like a football bat...

a. we use less wood because we are petrolium dependent

b. there are more trees in north america now because the pre-collumbian residents of america took care of the forests and prevented the gross over-forestation(i think just made that word up) that plauges the west right now causing massive forest fires, beetle kill, and unhealthy tree stands.

im out.

Anonymous said...

I love that website...just like I love CO2, which I think is kinda like C3PO or something. If they are going to prepare technical scientific-like documents you'd think they'd google carbon dioxide first and realize it's actually CO(subscript) 2