Friday, October 14

the best website ever...

this site is better than mine even...


Anonymous said...

Fetty was the best man in my wedding... I haven't seen him in awhile, but it's good to see he hasn't grown up.

Anonymous said...

hamblen, your suck a fuckin loser, listen to you back pedal now trying to kiss enough ass without getting shit on your unsaved face. this is some funny shit watchin you tryin to kiss ass into the peleton.....dumbass, we aren't letting you in....pick another and erik can go ahead and erase this post, but im not letting you off that easy...ill post till your made as sick as those who you've annoyed for so fucking loser

Anonymous said...

OOOOO! Hamblen, you like controversy dont you. I have seen Hamblen act like a goof before but it sounds like its time for him to grow up.

Anonymous said...

uncalled for hambone bashing, ah what the hell, its only hambone.

Anonymous said...

looks like jackson strikes again?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Jackson is getting canned from his team and that he can't find another job that's why he is so mad and that is why he was talking trash on Saunders for not having a contract and I hear that Saunders is coming off with a phat deal for 06. Jackson= pissed off loser with no team and Saunders= guy with a nice job I would like to have.

SLOVER said...

This is the best site!! That's why I keep cumming back.. You guys all suck ass Haters.. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Nice try guys. Im no taking the heat for this BS. I have a deal, i didn't write that about jon hamblen, (wish i had), Erik has no contract for next year yet, but he will, dont worry ill do enough playa hatin without yalls help. as always, i hate erik

Anonymous said...

Hey, I wrote the initial anonymous comment and then somebody stole my initials.
Ryan Barrett

Anonymous said...

Hey, I wrote the initial anonymous comment and then somebody stole my initials.
Ryan Barrett

Anonymous said...

I heard that all the Hambone vs. Healthnet shit goes back to when gord was winning the three race series that gave one million if you could win all three...

Anyway, gord had won two of them. Nicole Reinhart had won two of them for the women. At the third race, as we all know, nicole reinhart was tragicly killed during the race as the result of a horrible crash...
Most of the riders wanted to cancel the mens race after this accident. Gord and his team came up with a better plan... the peloton would ride around neutral as a show of respect to her and her team/family/sponsors/etc, then they would all sit up and let gord win the triple crown and the million bucks. Some riders said hell yes this sounds great, you can donate the $$ to reinhardt's family. But gord and his team were like no, we ride around and you let me win, but I am keeping the money. Hamblen, who was on the navigators (hince the former d2 pro thing) was one of the vocal riders who was saying, "No, that's fucked up. We should cancel the race as a sign of respect, or if we are going to roll around neutral and then let you win, you should donate the $$ to her family." So like they got in a big heated argument about it on the start line?

That is the explination I heard, altough this didn't come from Hamblen, gord, or anyone who was on either of those teams at the time. That may be bullshit, but that's how I heard this feud got started... Since then any team gord is on, they all hate jon and he hates them, so it has snowballed.

Can someone who was there or knows the truth please post and shed some light on this shit? It is like hearing a one-sided cell phone conversation of the dude standing behind you in line somewhere... very confusing and you aren't getting the whole story.


giantcu92 said...

Man, who can hate on Hamblen? He kicks ass!! Gord is just a Canadian anyway (America Junior). Chin up Hamblen, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

sounds more like, "chump up" gord gives a rats ass about what a nobody like hamblen thinks...thats fucked up. you guys are funny, stupid, but all we need is that dumbass parke to chime in with his bullshit geek ass banter....nice friends erik, you gotta start hangin out with some cooler people, instead of these butthumps like hamblen

Anonymous said...

Ok whom ever is using my initials and name has got to cut that out. Your crazy if you think I talk like that. Dont make me tell my friend Erik, koz he'll erase yourpost to protect my honor. You are wack!
Ryan Barrett

erik saunders said...

oh... a lot of guys care about the craziest shit.. you wouldnt believe!...

ask around about the 'pro pages'....

the real RB is a member of the blog.. so he can sign in as a team member and not have to do anon. posts...

erik saunders said...

some folks in racing believe in thats 'nobodies' and 'somebodies' crap...


thats why i am a man of the people and some people arent... everybody is somebody and thats a fact... i will have a beer and talk with anybody about anything.. and hamblen would too... but some guys would turn the other way to people and not say a word... and if they thought you might be a fan of bike racing they would get up and leave... figure it out folks... its all a sham... some people dont care about anyone but thoese who can give them something... and some of us just really like people and will make time to have a few nice words with a new person...

SLOVER said...

This is why I hate on the "somebodies" or that think their "somebodies." Erik's right it's all a SHAM!!

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah back to this bike game biz. man that is some cool shit.

Anonymous said...

i saw a pic of hamblen on the net, he looks like some kind of carni....wheres your candle apples boy!!!

Anonymous said...

lets cut the shit....hamblen is a doof and nobody could sit and talk with him and come up with nothing interesting, he wouldn't even pay for the beer. so you sit there listening to this doof, needing a beer to get through it all and in the end your not satisfied unless the beer was realy good, koz hamblen's no more enlighted you than could his intellectual equivalent, a 3 year old with a flashlight. But you kn ow what, I like hamblen, not for his results? but for his heart, hes got a good heart, he tries to get people to like him,a dn hes good at it, and isn't that what we are all here for, to be like, to socially know the angst when you not, its not cool, so next time you get a chance sit down and have a beer with a buddy of mine, hambone, hes a good guy, so what if hes a doof, he got a good heart.
-anons for hambone

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I forgot my log-on or password or something... but this is really me. You can tell because, I don't use the word "wack" anymore, at least not as an adjective. The real question is who the hell would bother posting as me?
The Real Ryan Barrett

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is calling themselves the real Ryan Barrett? up yours buddy, im Ryan Barrett, i live in utah, transplanted from ca, and va long before that, i have a new baby and hot wife...dont be posting as me, making these declarations as to who you are.
Thank you,
Ryan Barrett

Anonymous said...

Proof that you are lying... You left out Indiana. I would never leave out Indiana. Plus, I save "F Bombs" for special occasions. Not that I have a problem with cursing it's just more powerful when you save it for just the right moment. Thanks for calling the wife "hot"... My baby is over a year old so she isn't "new".
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

siegler imports- so hot right now.

Anonymous said...

hey turbo can people post comments on your blog? if so how? if not then we should.

Anonymous said...

was kirby in rva?

SLOVER said...

I'm Ryan Barrett I live In Utah I have two Hot wifes and 10 kids. I road for Net Zero and we got paid zero!! and Socal Rules!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No way could I deal with more than one wife... Don't get me wrong, she is the best and I don't know how I got so lucky, but don't ask me to have more than one.
BTW, I rode (not road) for NetZero and yeah, got paid a big fat zero. Still an awesome experience. Plus I am a movie star.
To whomever asked if they could leave comments on my blog- Yeah, go to where it says "leave a comment" or whatever and do so. Be nice though, this is You-tah.
The Real

Anonymous said...

Wes doesn't know how to use a computer. Besides he's too busy designing speedboats to worry about what goes on in here. And that's a fact.

I'll also speak on behalf of RVA and say Hambone's my boy. And if anyone from RVA is giving him crap, then I'll kick you out of $mond. And that's another fact.

Anonymous said...

ryan not really sure where it says "leave a comment?" am i missing something?

Anonymous said...

#1 you were never in rva, #2 wes can design a whole in the wall, #3fuck jon, #4 come on and get some of this you little bitch.
the real RB

Anonymous said...

Hey jon,
yes, as a matter of fact, i am pro, probably the most imature healthnet rider youve ever not met. what does that mean, well it still means that you suck, i have a contract, you dont, fuck you, im not letting you in, ill talk enough shit about you to keep you out, that combined with your openly ignorant behavoir, will
for sure see to it that you dont have a job.
fuck you jon hamblen

keep acting like an ass-hole and talking smack about my teamates fucker!!!!!!!!

giantcu92 said...

You're so cool you talk shit behind a veil of secrecy. At least if you're calling out the Hambone, say who you are coward. I'm pretty sure that whoever you are, Hamblen could whip your ass.

Philip Hunnicutt said...

anonymous pussies!

SLOVER said...

Jon Hamblen was the only person to stand up to "Mercury" at BMC Tour of Arlington "triple crown and the million bucks." He knew that "Mercury" was going to try keep the money. That's why Gord & Jon had a heated argument at the starting line. Gord & Worden went to court three or four times to get "their money". A lot of people heard about this and got pissed. And they dropped the court case..It was then the Gord Family made sure Jon Hamblen was screwed.If Jon would have keep his mouth close. He would be on a D1234 team. Jon is that right or wrong...

Anonymous said...

sounds like some jons little buddies have a skewed understanding of the details...all ill do is laugh at your ass fucker...actually the case was settled...your so fucking ignorant, we got our money...yeah, not a million, but we got our money. yes, i wont reveal my name, koz i dont need to legitimize myself, i have a contract....all you other putzes dont, so who cares if you identify yourself...jon needs to realize that if he wants to be accepted, he needs to be acceptable...not by your standards, but by the dont go out here speaking for jon, if you people are his friends, then you'll help him...arguing with me is like pissing into the wind....keep it up though, its entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am gonna send erik and email to see if I can get re-invited to comment un-anonymously. I think anyone who knows me can decipher what sounds like something I would write.
For now, I will sign off.
Ryan V. Barrett

FstrBlly said...

What' really entertaining is reading a guy's post that mispells 'peloton'. Are there the standards to which we should aspire to- pro retard? Thank goodness you're anonymous!

Anonymous said...


Yes UCI regulations state the minimum PRO IQ must exceed 70.

PS Several people were grandfather in since this rule was only established in 02.

Anonymous said...

PSS I had forgotten about the whole mess, but it reminds me that Wordin is a DICK and the whole thing was BS and it reminds me how lame PRO cycling is when that amount of cash actually means something to you more than having some FKng class.


FstrBlly said...
